The livable and adaptable house

The Australian Government ‘Your Home’ website provides some great information on adaptable housing design. It states thatmany people, when building a new home, anticipate spending a number of years, if not decades, living in it. Others may conceive of a shorter stay. Whatever the intention, any new home is likely to have to accommodate changing needs over its lifetime. A livable and adaptable house is one that is able to respond effectively to these needs without requiring costly and energy-intensive alterations.” Adaptability of one’s home, as we age, is, therefore, an environmental issue to consider for the future.

The Your Home website also reminds us that the Australian demographics are changing rapidly, with average households becoming both smaller and older as an increasing number of people live independently in their later years. An adaptable house can accommodate lifestyle changes without the need to demolish or substantially modify the existing structure and services. An adaptable house can be designed to easily enable a large family home to be eventually divided into two smaller housing units, so residents continue living in a familiar environment.

More information on livable and adaptable housing can be found on the Your Home website.

Alternatively, you can download an article summarising the discussion, information and images from the website here.